Friday, February 7, 2014


Last night I watched a show I had DVR'ed and that I just love, but as so often happens, my ire was raised somewhat by some comments made by the potential purchasers.  Their agent was doing a very good job -- and that takes a lot for me to say as I am usually not a fan of how agents on these shows act! -- but this buyer was just crucifying them in the follow up interview.  They stated something like "they don't care about me... they just want their paycheck."

Wrong wrong WRONG!  If I worked each deal just to get to the paycheck, I would be broke and desperate.  I DO want the paycheck, of course, but I also want the FUTURE paychecks I will get from folks referred to me by the current customer.  So, if I don't truly keep their best interest in mind, put their satisfaction at the top of the priority list, and do my job thoroughly and efficiently, I have just cost myself countless referrals down the road.  I realize not everyone will like what I have to say at the time, but sometimes what we want to hear isn't what we need to hear.  if I tell you what you want to hear just to get through this deal, I am shooting myself in the foot AND doing you a disservice.  So, no, it isn't just about the paycheck...

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