Friday, July 1, 2011

What Do I Need to Ask???

There is a GREAT post on Allen Tate's At home blog today. I didn't realize that I haven't posted in over a week (YIKES!), so I guess I should be ashamed for just pointing you in the direction of another blog, but I really do think the info is relevant. I was especially impressed by the "other obligations" question. That has really become relevant for me, as yes, as a matter of a fact I DO have other obligations now... namely an adorable 2 year old and precious 1 year old! But, never fear! I realize this may be a hindrance to our partnership. Everyone is totally cool with the need for family time, but let's face it, when you want your agent, you want your agent NOW. So, yet another reason why I am soooo thankful I have partnered with Lisa. She can fill my gaps, and I can fill hers. Aaaahhhh.... it's a 2 for 1 deal!

The other part that really spoke to me dealt with what communication mode you prefer. I will text, email, tweet, call, etc... and not all agents can say that. If texting is important, make sure you work with an agent who regularly communicates that way. If phone calls are important, make sure your agent has her mobile phone with her constantly. If email is your preferred method, make DOUBLY sure they have mobile email capabilites and don't just check their messages once or twice a day. Time is of the essence, folks!

Read the full article here.

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